Report Scope
This report provides detailed information about the global skin allergy testing market. It includes market projections for 2028 and a ranking of key market players. It also analyzes the size of the skin allergy testing market based on test types, applications and end users. For this analysis, the skin allergy testing market is broken down by test type into the following segments: prick test, patch test, and intradermal test. It should be noted that this study excludes in vitro allergy tests. Based on applications, the skin allergy testing market is segmented into allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, drug allergy, allergic conjunctivitis, anaphylaxis and others. Based on end users, the market is segmented into hospitals and clinics, diagnostic centers and others.

Report Includes

  • 28 data tables and 28 additional tables
  • An overview of the global market for skin allergy testing
  • Analysis of global market trends, featuring revenue data for 2020-2022, estimated figures for 2023, and forecasts for 2028. This analysis includes projected CAGRs through 2028
  • Evaluation of the current market size and revenue growth prospects specific to skin allergy testing, along with a market share analysis by test type, application, end user and region
  • Insights into R&D related to skin allergy testing and emerging technologies, as well as government regulations and mandates, and general economic trends
  • Discussion of how to overcome challenges related to commercialization
  • A look at ESG trends
  • Analysis of companies’ market shares, proprietary technologies, alliances and patents
  • Profiles of the leading players