United States Autonomous Vehicles Market will reach US$ 186.40 Billion by 2030. As the global leader in technology, American ingenuity and innovation have historically transformed how they travel and connect. Under this Administration, America’s continued leadership in emerging technologies, including Autonomous Vehicles. The autonomous car is also known as a self-driving car or driverless car that can read and sense the environment and use minimal or no human information. Self-driving cars have become the primary revolution in connectivity technology and automation in the United States. The internet, computers, smartphones, and advanced technologies merge with vehicles to assist and automate driving operations.

Regardless, favorable government initiatives and financial support are some of the significant factors attributing to the growth of the United States autonomous vehicle industry. A wide range of products and systems contribute to the United States’ infrastructure of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles provide self-mobility for non-drivers and people with disabilities. Due to the rising technical advancements, these vehicles are equipped with a broad range of technologies and comfort systems, permitting Americans to relax, read, and work while traveling.

United States Autonomous Vehicles Industry was US$ 4.00 Billion in 2021:
US autonomous car industry is likely to be dominated by the autonomous vehicle, as the demand for ease in driving and the growing concern for security and safety lead to the need for high-end technology, resulting in the increased demand for semi-autonomous and autonomous vehicles.

By the level of automation, the US autonomous car market is considerable by Level 3 and Level 4. The independent vehicle driving system in Level 3 automation vehicles serves all the dynamic driving tasks, expecting the human driver. The active driving task includes braking, accelerating, monitoring the car, steering, and responding to events happening on the road.

Self-driving cars have already been tested and utilized in Texas, Arizona, Washington, Michigan, California, and other states of the United States. Nonetheless, their mobility is restricted to specific test areas and driving conditions. Audi is the first company to design a Level 3 autonomous car. In 2020, the Audi Company launched the Audi A8 on the autonomous market.

As per Renub Research Report, United States Autonomous Vehicles Market Size will expand at a CAGR of 53.24% from 2021-2030:
Based on technology, United States autonomous vehicles are Market by hardware and software components. Hardware components include Mapping Hardware, V2X Hardware, Safety-Related HMI Hardware, Control Systems, Computing Hardware, Connectivity Hardware, HMI Hardware, Actuators, Sensing & Local Mapping Hardware. Again our report has categorized the market based on software components like V2X Software Market, Mapping Software Market, Data Security Software Market, Embedded Controls Software Market, and HMI Software Market.

Key Market Players:
US autonomous car market is consolidated by key players, such as Apple, Google, and Mercedes–Benz. To remain competitive, market players contribute significantly to market growth through various strategies such as new product launches, mergers and acquisitions, government partnerships, and technological advancements. Furthermore, the companies are expected to grow during the forecast period, owing to increased support from governments and the private sector to promote autonomous driving vehicle technology in several countries.

Renub Research report titled "United States Autonomous Vehicles Market Global Forecast by Driverless Car Levels (L3, L4, L5), Hardware (Radar, LIDAR, Actuators, Cameras, Embedded Modem, Passive Components, Embedded Controls Hardware, Other Electronics & Architecture, Ultrasonic Sensors, Odometry Sensors, Mapping Hardware, V2X Hardware, HMI Hardware), Software (V2X Software, Mapping Software, Embedded Controls Software, HMI Software, Data Security Software),Companies (Apple, Google, Mercedes–Benz)" provides a detailed and comprehensive insight of the United States Autonomous Vehicles Industry.

The Market has been studied from 4 Categories in this Report:

1. Market
2. Volume
3. Regions
4. Technology

Numbers – Global Self Driving Car

1. Semi-Autonomous Driving

  • (Level 3 Cars)

2. Self-Driving Car

  • Level 4: High Automation
  • Level 5: Full Automation

Technology – Driverless Cars Technology Market has been divided into two Broad Categories:

1. Hardware Components
2. Software Components

Hardware Components – Market breakup from 13 viewpoints:

2. Radar
3. Cameras
4. Actuators
5. Embedded Modem
6. Embedded Controls Hardware
7. Passive Components
8. Other Electronics & Architecture
9. Odometry Sensors
10. Ultrasonic Sensors
11. V2X Hardware
12. Mapping Hardware
13. HMI Hardware

Software Components – Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. V2X Software
2. Embedded Controls Software
3. Mapping Software
4. Data Security Software
5. HMI Software

All companies have been covered from 2 viewpoints:

  • Overview
  • Recent Developments

Company Analysis:

1. Google
2. Apple
3. Mercedes–Benz