This report evaluates asset tracking technologies, solutions, and the overall asset management and logistics ecosystem including major players, strategies and market positioning.  The report evaluates the impacts of use case specific considerations in terms of asset tracking technology and solution selection.

The report analyzes the asset tracking market by asset value including low, medium, and high-value assets. The report provides analysis and forecasts by technology, components, infrastructure, solutions and much more. This includes analysis and forecasts for asset tracking globally, regionally, and by major country from 2021 through 2026.

Select Report Findings:

  • Global asset tracking market will reach $55.1B by 2026, growing at 17.1% CAGR
  • Global asset tracking market for AI-embedded devices to grow at 33% through 2026
  • While fleet comprises over 80% of the market, non-fleet asset tracking is growing 18% faster
  • Asset tracking solutions are becoming increasingly more attractive for sub-$1,000 book value assets
  • The asset management and logistics market will witness considerable vendor consolidation through 2026
  • Leading companies will integrate asset management, logistics and connected-device security as combined solutions
  • IoT supported asset tracking market will account for over 90% of all connected enterprise and industrial solutions by 2030

This report also provides analysis of both fleet-related asset tracking and non-fleet asset tracking markets. Fleet tracking market analysis includes segmentation by IoT-enabled fleet tracking. In terms of non-fleet asset tracking, the report evaluates the market for both living and nonliving things, which have completely different characteristics.

In addition, the report includes market analysis by major asset tracking technologies including barcodes, GPS, RFID, sensors and IoT-based asset tracking. The report evaluates use cases for each technology and provides a market outlook assessment and forecasts for each. For example, the report identifies market opportunities for the slap-and-track RFID based tracking segment.

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, great care has been taken to re-evaluate our research assumptions and data to ensure this report reflects the impact of this “black swan” type event upon the asset tracking and supply chain management marketplace. Accordingly, both our qualitative and quantitative (forecasts) have been re-assessed and updated where appropriate.

Additional Report Coverage Details:

  • Analysis and forecasts by infrastructure such as asset tracking by software, which includes: Cost Management, Audit Management, Procurement Management, Condition Monitoring, Inventory Management, and more. This report evaluates the market for asset tracking technology components including M2M Communication, Embedded, On-board and Remote Computing Systems.
  • Assesses the impact of AI (including machine learning, image and pattern recognition, neural networking, and more), blockchain, and big data (including storage and data analytics) in support of asset tracking solutions. The report also evaluates cloud (including central and edge computing) vs. non-cloud-based solutions.
  • Evaluates asset tracking by category, such as fleet management. This is further broken down by land and non-land vehicles and vehicle types with great details for commercial trucks, vans, cars, and special-purpose vehicles. In terms of non-roadway vehicles, the report assesses aviation, railway, and water-based vehicle market potential. For the aviation market, it includes asset tracking for planes, helicopters, and ground support equipment. The report also analyzes the non-fleet tracking market including assets in smart buildings and smart workplaces.
  • Forecasting for the aforementioned as well as by region and country for market sizing by revenue as well as unit deployment from 2021 through 2026. This includes quantitative data and projections with market segmentation by technology, technology components and integration, infrastructure, connection type, range of mobility, location requirements, and by industry verticals. In addition, the report includes analysis and forecasts for the RFID-enabled "slap-and-track" market, which enables fast and easy tracking for many use cases ranging from shipping to asset loss prevention.
  • Market analysis and forecasting for the RFID-enabled "slap-and-track" asset tracking market including solutions by type, implementation, assets, industries, and regions.

Asset Tracking Market Constraints and Opportunities
The market remains constrained by a relatively low number of enterprise-connected assets across certain important asset classes. Leading asset tracking solution companies are focusing on the asset value to a business or governmental organization rather than the book value of the asset itself. A consultative marketing/sales approach is necessary to inform enterprise, first of the value of interconnecting business assets, and secondly, demonstrative asset tracking outcomes that bring value straight to the bottom line.

However, the overall asset tracking market has witnessed substantial economies of scale improvements in recent years due to inexpensive connectivity and machine-to-machine communications equipment and services. Increased penetration and usage of advanced IoT solutions leveraging M2M and other supporting technologies enable anytime, anywhere, and any type of asset tracking.

In addition, improved economies of scale and advancements in miniaturization and communications have made low-value asset tracking more practical, expanding the range of potential industries and asset types. This is exemplified by the growing trend for RFID-based "slap-and-track" solutions for shipping, supply chain management, and enterprise logistics such as tracking low to medium-value assets such as business equipment and supplies.

Fleet and Non-Fleet Asset Tracking Market
There are substantial factors to consider when approaching the broader asset tracking market, which include asset class, value, and degree of mobility. Whereas asset tracking has historically been largely fleet-focused (commercial trucks, trailers, vans, and cars), there is great potential for expansion towards non-vehicle related assets.

This is exemplified by the growing trend for RFID-based “slap-and-track” solutions for shipping, supply chain management, and enterprise logistics such as tracking low to medium-value assets such as business equipment and supplies. Slap-and-track asset tracking solutions are useful for more than just shipping-related use cases as they are also used for connected-asset monitoring and loss prevention.

For example, business equipment and tools may be tracked to prevent loss (such as leaving behind at a job site) and to ensure that assets are where they need to be when they are needed. These types of solutions are part of the rapidly growing asset tracking market trend involving the business need for cost-effective low-value asset management. Not just relegated to consumer-oriented use cases such as package delivery, slap-and-track is also an important asset tracking solution for enterprise, industrial, and government logistics and supply chain management.

Asset Tracking Market by Asset Value
Leading asset tracking solution companies are focusing on the asset value to a business or governmental organization rather than the book value of the asset itself. A consultative sales approach is necessary to inform enterprise, first of the value of interconnecting business assets, and secondly demonstrative asset tracking outcomes that bring value straight to the bottom line.

The advent of advanced Internet of Things (IoT) solutions leveraging M2M and other supporting technologies enables anytime, anywhere, any type of asset tracking. In addition, advancements in miniaturization and communications have made lower value asset tracking more practical, expanding the range of potential industries and asset types.

Technology Integration in the Asset Tracking Market
The asset tracking market leverages a wide range of technologies, which are typically utilized based on a few key factors including cost, availability, and form factor of the asset to be tracked. While historically disparate technologies have been implemented on a silo basis, Mind Commerce sees the asset tracking market evolving to a more integrative approach. This will be necessitated by business assets becoming increasingly more connected, driving enterprise organizations to desire more seamless asset management across asset classes/types, cohesive tracking between assets, and expansive view of logistics.

There are additional opportunities for technology integration, such as leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) for enhanced decision making. There are many roles that AI may play, ranging from machine learning and analytics to improved cybersecurity for connected enterprise assets. By way of example, the BlackBerry acquisition of Cylance (a major player in the AI based cybersecurity market) represents a cybersecurity play that may be parlayed into IoT device security (e.g. BlackBerry UEM) and combined with asset tracking solutions (e.g. BlackBerry Radar) for greater overall enterprise security.

Target Audience:

  • AI companies
  • Blockchain companies
  • M2M and IoT companies
  • Logistics services companies
  • Systems integration companies
  • Smart city integration companies
  • Data management and analytics companies
  • Asset tracking software and services companies

Report Benefits:

  • Identify leading asset tracking companies, technologies, and solutions
  • Recognize the importance of AI and IoT in asset management and logistics
  • Understand the role and importance of different asset tracking technologies
  • Learn how technologies and solutions will evolve to support low-value asset tracking
  • Identify the linkage between connected enterprise assets, management, and control
  • Understand how IoT and edge computing will support asset tracking in cellular networks
  • Identify asset tracking market opportunities by industry vertical, use case, and asset type