One of the hottest topics in the agricultural world is the increasing merge of research and technology aimed at the addressing the challenges that face the future of farming. Year-round crop production is a key focus area that is part of this future. Outdoor growing of vegetables, fruits, and flowers are being progressively troubled by changing climate, supply chain costs, and other external factors. To counter this, controlling the environment is key to increase production and maintain healthy practices.

Revolutionizing this starts with the basic concept of light. Fundamentally, growing produce needs lighting. The alternate way to do that is use artificial lighting to enable photosynthesis. Using artificial lighting and its spectral composition, a farmer can replicate growth factors such as development, period, and shape. LEDs are at the crux of this revolution and horticulture lighting has emerged as the hottest market in the lighting industry.

Applied across different types of crops ranging from vegetables and fruits to cannabis in a range of environments, lighting solutions have arrived as the vital cog in the horticulture industry. With, more customers actively pursuing both turnkey pilots and retrofit implementations, mass market adoption is a function of time across multiple mature and developed markets.

Lighting solutions for horticulture is a significant evolution within a very old and traditional industry. The market opportunity for horticulture lighting is substantial and offers a cross-environment opportunity for providers, manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, technology players, resellers, and integrators. Arcluster forecasts the worldwide Horticulture Lighting market to reach $6.35 billion in revenues in 2023.