The airport infrastructure market was valued at US$ 77,853.08 million in 2022 and is projected to reach US$ 139,144.01 million by 2030; it is expected to record a CAGR of 7.5% from 2022 to 2030.

Construction of New Airports and Vertiports is Driving the Airport Infrastructure Market Growth

Vertiports are centers for vertical takeoff and landing vehicles such as eVTOL vehicles, drones, and air taxis. The increasing demand for competent urban transportation and developments in eVTOL technology, and the shortage of available land to build conventional vertiports fuel the need for advanced vertiports. In 2022, VPorts declared to establish a network of vertiports in Quebec and to form corridors between Quebec and the US specifically for eVTOL aircraft. In 2023, Ferrovial Airports collaborated with Eve Air Mobility to develop vertiports for eVTOL aircraft. The growing demand for sustainable and low-carbon emission approaches in the aviation and logistics sectors boosts the demand for new airports for eVTOL aircraft. The advancement of vertiports can transform urban strategies for efficient and eco-friendly city transport or logistic modes. Air pollution, traffic congestion, and the high expenditure on infrastructure are among the major challenges for vertiport construction. To mitigate these issues, lower travel time, reduce carbon emissions, and improve accessibility, vertiports are one of the most promising solutions. Vertiports are similar to helipads but developed for a wider range of aircraft. Vertiports can be situated in any location, including parking spaces, rooftops, and a few public spaces. In addition, vertiports are landing pads, but they can be used for other services such as maintenance facilities, charging stations, and passenger amenities. Thus, the growing construction of new vertiports is expected to create new opportunities for the airport infrastructure market growth in the coming years.

The airport infrastructure market players include Hensel Phelps, AECOM, Turner Construction Company, Skanska and many more. The airport infrastructure market has many small players engaged in the business which holds a significant portion of the global market. The small players are also involved in R&D activities for developing the new technologies which are further strengthening the market size over the coming years. These organizations over the years have increased their investment in the development of new and advanced airport infrastructure as per the growing customer needs with the help of government regulatory bodies. The government regulatory body helps the manufacturer by providing the contract to military forces, homeland security, and border security forces.

Airport infrastructure market ecosystem of the airport infrastructure market is diverse and involves various stakeholders contributing to the planning, development, and operation of airports.

In North America, major airports continue to undergo expansion and renovation projects to accommodate the growing passenger traffic and enhance overall operational capabilities. The focus is not only on increasing terminal capacities but also on incorporating advanced technologies for security and passenger services. In Europe, the airport infrastructure landscape reflects a blend of historical charm and contemporary efficiency. Many airports are upgrading runways, terminals, and air traffic control systems to meet the increasing demands of air travel. Sustainable practices are also gaining prominence, with a push towards eco-friendly designs and energy-efficient operations.

The Middle East has established itself as a global aviation hub, with state-of-the-art airports in cities like Dubai and Doha. These airports serve as key transit points for international travelers and have set benchmarks for luxury and efficiency. The region continues to invest in expanding its aviation infrastructure to maintain its leading position in the global aviation landscape. In Africa, the airport infrastructure market share is gradually evolving to support economic development and tourism. Many countries are investing in upgrading existing facilities and constructing new airports to improve connectivity and foster economic growth.

Avibras Ind?stria Aeroespacial S/A; BAE Systems Plc; Nexter Groupe KNDS; Denel Land Systems; Elbit Systems Ltd; General Dynamics; ST Engineering; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Rheinmetall AG; and Mandus Group are among the key airport infrastructure market players profiled during this study. In addition, several other important airport infrastructure market players have been studied and analyzed during the study to get a holistic view of the airport infrastructure market and its ecosystem.