The non-invasive diagnostics market for fibrotic diseases is expected to reach USD 1.6 billion in 2020 and anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 10% during the forecast period 2020-2030.

The shifting lifestyle trends resulting in heightened occurrences of chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes have significantly increased the global prevalence of fibrotic diseases. Liver fibrosis, for instance, often emerges as a secondary condition in individuals with metabolic or cholestatic ailments, excessive alcohol intake, or viral hepatitis. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a primary catalyst for liver disease, impacted roughly 4.5 million adults in the US in 2018, progressing to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Similarly, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a rare yet perilous lung ailment, is observed in persons exposed to pollutants, radiation, or certain medications. Despite its rarity, Europe witnesses approximately 40,000 new IPF cases annually. Early identification of fibrotic diseases is pivotal for effective management. However, diagnosing them presents challenges owing to the lack of conspicuous symptoms. When symptoms do appear, a tissue biopsy is typically advised for confirmation, yet this invasive procedure is both agonizing and traumatic, resulting in stigma. Furthermore, its invasive nature limits its application in monitoring disease progression or validating treatment efficacy.

Recent advancements in biotechnology have led to minimally invasive or non-invasive diagnostic techniques, encompassing imaging diagnostics and biomarker-based assays. Liquid biopsy, which examines biofluids like blood or urine, holds promise as a non-invasive method not only for cancer but also for detecting fibrosis. Genetic analyses, akin to those for cystic fibrosis, offer precise diagnoses and are substantiated by clinical data, indicating their relevance across various fibrotic conditions. These biomarker and genetic tests are positioned to supplant current invasive diagnostic methodologies in the future.

Report Coverage
? The report comprehensively examines the non-invasive diagnostic market for fibrotic diseases based on criteria such as target fibrotic disease, end-user segments, and geographical regions.
? It analyzes the market’s growth influencers, including drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges.
? Evaluation of advantages and obstacles within the market landscape is provided, along with insights into the competitive environment for leading market players.
? Revenue forecasts are presented for market segments across five major regions.
? An exhaustive assessment of the current market scenario for non-invasive fibrosis diagnostics involves analyzing crucial parameters. This includes product development status (available or in progress), product categorization (assay-kits, devices, software), applications (diagnostics, monitoring, screening, research), targeted fibrotic diseases (e.g., cardiac, cystic, liver, pulmonary, renal fibrosis), sample types (blood, saliva, mucus, buccal swabs), biomarker types, end-user categories (hospitals/clinics, research institutes, self-tests), turnaround times, and the necessity for medical intervention. It also encompasses information on device developers, including establishment year, company size, and headquarters location.
? Detailed profiles of major players developing non-invasive fibrosis diagnostics are included, comprising company overviews, available financial data, comprehensive product portfolio descriptions, and insightful future perspectives.
? The report presents an analysis of collaborations among stakeholders in the non-invasive diagnostics market for fibrotic diseases since 2016. This includes various agreements such as distribution, acquisitions, product development, joint ventures, licensing, utilization, clinical trials, and other relevant deals.
? A thorough examination of completed, ongoing, and planned clinical studies related to non-invasive fibrotic disease diagnostics is conducted. Parameters considered include trial status, registration year, development phase, study design, focus, product types, targeted fibrotic diseases, enrolled patient populations, leading sponsors, popular products, and regional distribution of trials.
? In-depth analysis of potential biomarkers for non-invasive liver fibrosis diagnosis is provided, considering biomarker types (physical/biological) and measurement indexes. This section highlights leading sponsors involved in clinically evaluating these biomarkers.
? An extensive analysis of over 13,000 patents filed or granted for non-invasive fibrotic disease diagnostics until May 2020 is included. This analysis focuses on patent trends, including types, publication and application years, regional relevance, CPC symbols, emerging focus areas, top patent assignees in terms of filed or granted patents, and patent benchmarking and valuation.

Key Market Companies
? BioPredictive
? Echosens
? ELITechGroup
? Fibronostics
? Fujirebio
? GenPath Diagnostics
? HepQuant
? LabCorp
? Luminex
? Oasis Diagnostics
? PerkinElmer
? Yourgene Health