India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits market is anticipated to witness growth at a steady CAGR in the forecast period 2024-2028. This can be ascribed to the growing funding for genomics, lowering sequencing process costs, and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases across the country. Similarly, growing improvements in the molecular biology sector had a substantial impact on life sciences research conducted for the management of medical disorders, which will increase the usage of molecular biology reagents and kits and drive the growth of the market during the forecast period. Additionally, the continuous development of restriction enzymes with respect to specificity and effectiveness is expected to drive the growth of the market over the years. Also, the growing existence of significant businesses offering genetic tests, the widespread use of modern therapies, and government guidelines to maintain the integrity of hereditary testing screening are expected to drive the growth of the market in the forecast period. Similarly, an increase in investments in healthcare and infrastructure has led to a surge in demand for molecular biology reagents and kits across the country.

An increasing number of genome projects
Gene mutations play a major role in the molecular biology and prevalence of diseases or disorders such as the immune system, metabolic diseases, cancer, and inborn genetic disorders, which will further boost the growth of the market during the forecast period. As a result, detailed knowledge of the human genome can significantly help researchers understand the aetiology of specific diseases and develop treatment plans. Also, growing demand for reducing genetic analysis costs across the country, along with growing support from the government for conducting advanced research in different domains, such as disease treatment, personalized medicine, and microbial genetics, will further drive the growth of the market over the years. This requires the use of different molecular biology enzymes and reagents and, in turn, is expected to drive the India molecular biology enzymes and kits and reagents market. An estimated 495,000 infants with congenital malformations, 390,000 with G6PD deficiency, 21,400 with Down syndrome, 9,000 with beta-thalassemia, 5,200 with sickle cell disease, and 9,760 with amino acid disorders are born each year in India.

Growing Technological Advancements

The growing advancements in molecular biology have changed the way of illness detection and treatment, which is expected to enhance the demand for molecular biology reagents & kits during the forecast period. Modern molecular biology reagents and kits can detect bacteria, viruses, and transmitted mutations quickly and with unrivaled precision, which will drive the growth of the market over the years. Molecular reagents have surged in recent times due to technical breakthroughs and influence the development area of healthcare. Manufacturers of molecular diagnostics reagents and kits are focusing on new technologies that enable biologists to examine and understand massive amounts of genetic data, and this, in turn, is expected to create lucrative growth for the market during the forecast period. The estimated number of cases of cancer in India for the year 2022 was found to be 14,61,427 (crude rate:100.4 per 100,000).

Increase in the Development of Biomarkers

Increasing funding for biomarker research and development is expected to boost the growth of India molecular biology reagents and kits market during the forecast period. Also, the growing usage of biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis, along with disease forecasting and evaluation, will further boost the growth of the market during the forecast period. So, for disease detection such as hepatitis, HIV, and others, the growing demand for advanced molecular biology reagents and kits will further enhance the demand for the market. Also, the growing interest of large corporations in expanding their grit by producing biomarker solutions is anticipated to boost the growth of the market.

Market Segmentation
India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits market can be segmented by type, application, end-user, region, and competitive landscape. Based on type, the market can be segmented into Reagents & Kits, Enzymes, PCR Master Mixes, and Others. Based on application, the market can be segmented into PCR, NGS, Cloning, Gene Function, Nucleic Acid Purification, Proteomics, and Others. Based on the end user, the market can be differentiated into Academic & Research Institutions, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies, Hospitals & Clinics, and Others.

Market Players
Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd., Agile Lifescience Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd, Bio Lab Diagnostics (I) Private Limited, Illumina India Biotechnology Private Limited, Agilent Technologies India Pvt Ltd, QIAGEN India Pvt. Ltd., Clementia Biotech, ELK Biotechnology Co. Ltd., among others are some of the leading players operating in the India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits market.

Report Scope:
In this report, India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends, which have also been detailed below:
• India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits Market, By Type:
  –Reagents & Kits
  –PCR Master Mixes
• India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits Market, By Application:
  –Gene Function
  –Nucleic Acid Purification
• India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits Market, By End User:
  –Academic & Research Institutions
  –Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies
  –Hospitals & Clinics,
• India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits Market, By Region:

Competitive Landscape
Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the India Molecular Biology Reagents & Kits Market.

Available Customizations:
The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information
• Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).