
The rising demand for faster and more secure transactions along with full transparency has made Blockchain one of the fastest growing technology markets in the world. Blockchain, which is a decentralized digital database, supports secure transactions without the need for a central authority to approve/accept the transaction. Although this technology has been recognized mainly by digital currencies such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, it has several other non-financial applications in different sectors including agriculture, logistics, healthcare, real estate, cloud storage, education, public transportation, pharma, food and beverage, and so on. Blockchain is enabling new governance model across the globe with valued use cases.
Countries around the world are improving and updating their regulatory frameworks to provide a suitable and attractive environment for Blockchain companies to keep pace with the fast-growing global Blockchain market and reap the benefits of this technology. Blockchain technology is positioned to meet the increasingly complex demands of the digital-first future through smart contract capabilities, middlemen elimination, and provenance and consensus on all transactions. Cryptocurrencies are experiencing high growth, which is attracting lots of investment through various funding models and paving the way for tokenization model in the sharing economy.

In brief, this research service covers the following points:
  • Blockchain – An Overview
  • Blockchain Working Principle
  • Blockchain Governance Framework
  • Drivers and Challenges
  • Use Cases Enabling New Governance Models
  • Blockchain Regulatory Scenario
  • Future Governance Frameworks and Strategic Insights