26% of Middle Eastern enterprises are planning to increase their ICT budgets significantly in 2014, according to a new study on ASDReports

Wednesday 9 July 2014, Amsterdam

26% of Middle Eastern enterprises are planning to increase their ICT budgets significantly in 2014, according to a new study on ASDReports
Report description overview:

The new report, now available on ASDReports, ICT investment trends in the Middle East - Enterprise ICT spending patterns through to the end of 2015 presents the findings from a survey of 121 Middle Eastern enterprises regarding their Information & Communications Technology (ICT) investment trends. The survey investigates how Middle Eastern enterprises currently allocate their ICT budgets across the core areas of enterprise ICT expenditure. Also highlighted, is the approach adopted by enterprises in the Middle East to purchase technology.

The difference:

  • Understand how the Middle East enterprise ICT landscape is set to change in 2014 as well as the factors that are influencing Middle Eastern enterprises’ decision to select an ICT provider.
  • Gain a view as to how ICT money is being allocated in your target audience along with the current strategic objectives of Middle Eastern enterprises.
  • Provides a detailed breakdown of the opportunities within each of the core areas of ICT spend (hardware, software, IT services, telecommunications, and consulting.)

Report highlights:

On-going regional tensions, together with a challenging external environment, have hit the economies of the Middle Eastern region hard. However, the economic performance across the region is mixed with most oil-exporting countries growing at healthy rates, whereas growth remained sluggish in the others. The performance of countries in the Middle Eastern region can be gauged from enterprises ‘expenditure, with few looking for significant growth in their ICT budgets, while a number of respondents are still cautious in terms of committing to any long term ICT investments.

With ICT adoptions in the region reaching a mature phase, enterprises in the Middle East are witnessing a major transition and are determined to increase their investments in core technologies. The reports survey confirms this as in order to optimize infrastructure and enhance efficiency, Middle Eastern enterprises are planning to increase their investments in hardware and software. Investment in software is set to witness an increase of 2%, to reach a value of 21% in 2014 as enterprises strive to expand their IT usage and support growing business needs to improve competitiveness.

Meanwhile, Middle Eastern enterprises are allocating 11% of the total hardware budgets on server, storage, and peripherals. However, the new report expects good business opportunities for vendors in these spaces, as the demand for smartphones, media tablets, e-readers, solid state storage, wireless, and wired communications infrastructure is on the rise in the Middle Eastern enterprise market.

ICT investment trends in the Middle East - Enterprise ICT spending patterns through to the end of 2015

ICT investment trends in the Middle East - Enterprise ICT spending patterns through to the end of 2015

Publish date : June 2014
Report code : ASDR-121313
Pages : 59

ASDReports.com contact: S. Koomen

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