A growing economy, increased urbanization and a steady increase in the disposable income is likely to drive growth at a CAGR of just under 17% by 2018, according to a new study on ASDReports

Monday 7 July 2014, Amsterdam

A growing economy, increased urbanization and a steady increase in the disposable income is likely to drive growth at a CAGR of just under 17% by 2018, according to a new study on ASDReports
Report description overview:

The new report, now available on ASDReports, Consumer Trends Analysis: Understanding Consumer Trends and Drivers of Behavior in the Indian Ice Cream Market provides an overview of the market, analyzing market data, demographic consumption patterns within the category, and the key consumer trends driving consumption. This report will also provides actionable insight into the behavior of Indian Ice Cream consumers based on Canadean’s unique data, developed from extensive consumption surveys and consumer group tracking.

The Canadean difference:

•    Canadean has identified nine mega-trends that drive food choice and has broken these down into 20 sub-trends, such as changing lifestyles, convenience and value.
•    Gain access to key consumer demographic groups driving consumption within the Indian market. The figures showcase the number of times consumers of specific ages and genders consume Ice Cream, as well as identifying whether these demographic groups "over" consume in the category.
•    Market value and volumes up to 2018 for India and nine other countries to give a global context  and examples of international and India-specific product innovation targeting key consumer needs.

Report highlights:

India has the lowest volume consumption of Ice Creams compared to other major markets. This is largely due to Ice Creams being considered as a seasonal product to beat the scorching heat of summers, unlike the West where consumers enjoy a more habitual intake. However, the Indian Ice Cream market is poised for high growth due to increasing penetration and wider product choices at different price points. Ice Creams in India are now increasingly being seen in social gatherings.

Ice Cream in India is traditionally an indulgent product, with consumers seeking additional fun and enjoyment and the Indian Ice Cream market is one of the fastest growing markets globally. The country’s improved economy, rise in purchasing power, increase in western influence, and improved cold supply chain has all led to increased demand for Ice Cream products.

The Impulse Ice Cream category, which accounts for almost half of the overall market by volume consumption, currently dominates the market. Impulse Ice Cream and Take-Home Ice Cream, the two largest categories, are forecast to grow at CAGRs of just under 15% and over 15% respectively by 2018. Adding to this, the introduction of new products with innovative flavors and increased penetration of Ice-Cream parlors has resulted in high volume consumption of Impulse Ice Cream.
Consumer Trends Analysis: Understanding Consumer Trends and Drivers of Behavior in the Indian Ice Cream Market

Consumer Trends Analysis: Understanding Consumer Trends and Drivers of Behavior in the Indian Ice Cream Market

Publish date : June 2014
Report code : ASDR-121310
Pages : 56

ASDReports.com contact: S. Koomen

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