The Increasingly Health Conscious Australian Population Are Driving The Australian Bakery & Cereals Sector

Friday 5 July 2013, Amsterdam

The Increasingly Health Conscious Australian Population Are Driving The Australian Bakery & Cereals Sector
As Australia’s population becomes increasingly health conscious, its Bakery & Cereals sector is becoming increasingly driven by both the supply and demand of products that play into the consumer preference for a healthy diet, according to a leading consumer specialist new report: Market Focus: Trends and Developments in the Bakery & Cereals Sector in Australia.

Australia’s Bakery & Cereals sector is being driven by the country’s increasingly health conscious population, with increased public awareness of healthy diets and nutrition evident in consumers’ increasing trend to differentiate staple lines with low fat bakery products and functional white bread. Breakfast Cereals are, consequently, the fastest growing category within the sector, whilst obesity concerns and sugar consciousness is seeing Biscuits growing at a slower pace than the general market.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has recorded a 35% increase in average weekly expenditure on Break, cakes and cereals between 1998-1999 and 2009-2010. This trend is set to continue, with forecasting that the sector as a whole will increase in value at a CAGR of 1.3% between 2012 and 2017, compared to a CAGR of 0.7% for retail Food overall.

That rising number of overweight and obese Australians means that consumers are increasingly evaluating their diets, which is creating opportunities for low fat, low calorie, and low cholesterol products, and those offering functional benefits such as high fiber, gluten free, or fortified with minerals and vitamins.

An example of such products is ‘Super Lupin’: a breakfast cereal that is gluten free, high in dietary fiber, contains no cholesterol, and is low GI. The product aims to reduce obesity and the risk of type II diabetes, lower blood cholesterol, improve bowel health and lower hypertension. This health concerns are particularly prevalent among older consumers – a group that is growing, with more than 25% of Australia’s population now aged 55 or more.  

Despite this trend however, we suggest that whilst marketers should target health-conscious consumers, they should be wary of overstating the interest in the health trend.

This report provides a concise overview of the Bakery & Cereals market in Japan. It provides:

  • Analysis of consumer behaviour, economic conditions, and demography, which reveals emerging opportunities in the Bakery & Cereals sector.
  • Analysis of market dynamics for 11 Bakery & Cereal categories, which highlights key growth categories.
  • Market shares for the leading brands and private label across Bakery & Cereals categories.
  • An overview of packaging trends in the Australian Bakery & Cereals sector, including primary packaging material and type, packaging closures, and outer packaging.

This information will facilitate:

  • A proper understanding of:
  • The size of the market
  • The economic, demographic, and behavioural trends that will drive the market’s evolution
  • The market’s leading players
  • New entrants and established players to gain rapid and comprehensive insight into the current state of the market, and identify key trends that will drive growth in the coming years.
  • Rapid identification of key opportunities across 11 Bakery & Cereal categories and their packaging.

Uniquely positioned to provide compelling, actionable market intelligence thanks to its rigorous research methodology – which encompasses internal resources, extensive desk research, market modelling, and the input of its panel of leading industry executives – Canadean is able to combine research on general industry drivers and trends with expert’s attitudes and behaviours, making Market Focus: Trends and Developments in the Bakery & Cereals Sector in Australia required reading for those serious about reacting to market trends and capitalising on opportunities in Australia’s Bakery & Cereals market.
Market Focus: Trends and Developments in the Bakery and Cereals Sector in Australia

Market Focus: Trends and Developments in the Bakery and Cereals Sector in Australia

Publish date : July 2013
Report code : ASDR-69727
Pages : 43 contact: S. Koomen / ASDMedia BV - Veemkade 356 - 1019HD Amsterdam - The Netherlands
P : +31(0)20 486 1286 - F : +31(0)20 486 0216

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