High performance alloys market to stand at 425kt in 2013

Thursday 7 March 2013, Amsterdam

High performance alloys market to stand at 425kt in 2013
Our analysis indicates that the global high performance alloys market containing alloys composed of titanium, nickel and cobalt will reach a volume of 425kt in 2013. Driving the demand in these alloys will be the aviation industry from the western economies and later the emerging economies. Aiding this growth will be the constant demand for more healthcare and oesto treatment from a progressively elderly global population but also from the rise of medical tourism in certain Middle Eastern and Asia-Pacific hot spots. General industrial works and heavy industrial manufacturing in addition to energy generation industries will also play a vital part in the growth in tonnage in the high performance alloy industry. However, growth will start to lag as high performance alloys face rising amounts of pressure and competition from other materials trying to take market share as companies look to other materials in order to cut down on the heavy costs incurred in the manufacturing and purchasing of high performance alloys.

The high performance alloys market is therefore forecast to record growth over the near term of the next decade. High performance alloys have little room to manoeuvre in new markets due to their costly manufacturing process, high level of technical knowledge required and limited supply but because of their properties they are often the only material that can be used in exacting situations. As of this there use going forward is fairly well secured and synonymous with demanding and technical areas such as aerospace where only the best materials will do.

The  author of the Global High Performance Alloys Market 2013-2023: Prospects for Titanium, Nickel & Cobalt report commented that ‘The High Performance Alloys Market is and will continue to be a key but very small market when viewed in contrast and comparison to the wider metal markets in terms of tonnage used and demanded. High performance alloys have specialist applications within certain industries such as aerospace and energy generation where only these specific metal alloys can be used as any other material will be prone to failure in the given environment. As of this these metals are vital but only in small amounts as wherever these metal alloys can be substituted they are due to their high costs in terms of finance and technical ability needed. Over the next ten years we will see demand in these metal alloys increase as the industries which depend on these materials, for lack of alternatives, grow larger. Towards the end of the decade we will see demand start to slow as technology brings new materials such as composites and ceramics to the fore. Manufacturing process within the industry are also set to change over the decade which will bring a more efficient and less wasteful aspect to the high performance alloy market. Moving forward through the decade we still see the western economies as being the number one suppliers and users of these metals but the BRICs will be rapidly catching them up and the dynamics of the industry on a national basis will change.

The 161 page report contains 99 tables, charts and graphs that add visual analysis in order to explain developing trends and dynamics within the high performance alloys market. We provide forecasts for the period 2013-2023 in terms of sales and size (kt) for the global high performance alloy market, as well as for 5 subsectors (aerospace, industrial, energy generation, healthcare and other) of the high performance alloys market and also by the 3 main metals, titanium, nickel and cobalt. In addition, 11 leading national high performance alloy markets are forecast and analysed over the period 2013-2023. The report provides market share data and profiles of the 8 leading companies operating within the high performance alloys market, and includes 3 interviews with engineers, consultants and academics dealing with the high performance alloys market, providing expert insight alongside analysis.

Global High Performance Alloys Market 2013-2023: Prospects for Titanium, Nickel & Cobalt

Global High Performance Alloys Market 2013-2023: Prospects for Titanium, Nickel & Cobalt

Publish date : February 2013
Report code : ASDR-48450
Pages : 164

ASDReports.com contact: S. Koomen

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