High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Market to be Worth $25.79Bn in 2014

Wednesday 12 November 2014, Amsterdam

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Market to be Worth $25.79Bn in 2014
The new reports analysis indicates that the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission market will reach a value of $25.79bn in 2014, with a wide range of projects continuing to be authorised and constructed throughout the world.

The lead analyst of the report commented, “From a global perspective, capital expenditure on HVDC transmission will enjoy stability over the next 10 years. Regionally, spending is much more volatile; different trends, regulatory environments, stages of electrical grid development, political priorities and distributions of fossil and non-fossil fuel resources influence how much HVDC transmission will be approved and built. Stronger HVDC markets include the Asian, European, and North American markets. Within the Asian market, China is by far the most dominant country, and its HVDC projects will underpin the entire HVDC transmission market.”

The majority of HVDC transmission constructed is of the point-to-point variety; with no integrated HVDC circuit breaker proven commercially viable, electricity can only be moved between two points.  This limits potential.  Subsequently, it is used, for the most part, to connect large power resources, such as a hydroelectric power generation facilities, to load centres. The ABB HVDC circuit breaker, announced in 2012, is a game-changer for the industry that could enable the creation of a HVDC grid.

The 168 page report High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Market 2014-2024: Convertor Station & Transmission Line Expenditures contains 96 tables, charts and graphs that add visual analysis in order to explain developing trends within the market. The new reportprovides forecasts for the global market, for two submarkets (Convertor Stations and Transmission lines), and for six regional markets. The report also contains in-depth project tables detailing project name, type, HVDV lead, lead sponsor, expected commission / status, cost ($m), voltage (kV), power rating (MW) and length (km) for all upcoming HVDC projects. In addition, profiles of the leading companies involved in the market are provided, as well as an interview with Renewable UK, who provides expert opinion alongside the reports analysis.

The High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Market 2014-2024: Convertor Station & Transmission Line Expenditures report will be of value to current and potential future stakeholders and/or investors in the HVDC industry. It will also benefit companies and research centres that wish to broaden their knowledge and understanding of a niche market that is becoming critically important in several countries throughout the world.
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Market 2014-2024

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Market 2014-2024

Publish date : October 2014
Report code : ASDR-158317
Pages : 168

ASDReports.com contact: S. Koomen

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