Cell-Based Assay market set to grow to $22bn by 2022

Wednesday 14 November 2018, Amsterdam

Cell-Based Assay market set to grow to $22bn by 2022
Cell-based assays hold a number of advantages over traditional biochemical assays and animal models, and these advantages have driven the increased demand for these assays in recent years. There has been an increased usage of cell-based assays as the preferred tool for screening potential drug compounds and toxicity screening, thus growing demand by drug development companies. The demand for cell-based assays will expand further due to increased allocation of resources towards drug discovery by companies, the presence of a large number of proteins which still have unknown functions, and the rising demand for biological drugs.

The lead analyst of the report commented "Whilst there are many factors driving growth in the cell-based assays market, market challenges still exist. Even though the cost of cell-based assays is gradually declining as the technology advances, the overall cost of cell-based assays and the equipment required to run them and analyse the data, is still high.

Another restraint is the complexity of cell-based assays, and the need for skilled individuals to run them and to analyse the data from them. The complexities of these assays also mean that the development of innovative new assays and products by cell-based assay companies is costly and can take a long time."

Leading companies featured in the report include BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), BioAgilytix Labs, BioVision, Cell Assay Innovations, Inc., Charles River Laboratories International, CYTOO SA, DiscoverX, GE Healthcare, InSphero,Marin Biological Laboratories, Molecular Devices, Perkin Elmer, Pharmaceutical Product Development, Porsolt, Promega, ProQinase GmbH, QGel, SGS Group, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific (and Affymetrix acquisition)
Cell-Based Assays World Industry and Market 2018-2028

Cell-Based Assays World Industry and Market 2018-2028

Publish date : September 2018
Report code : ASDR-468857
Pages : 241

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Cell-Based Assays Market Report 2024-2034

Publish date : January 2024
Report code : ASDR-642950
Pages : January 2024

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