China’s retail sales will almost double by 2018, increasing to over CNY36 trillion

Wednesday 4 June 2014, Amsterdam

China’s retail sales will almost double by 2018, increasing to over CNY36 trillion
Report description overview:

The new report, now available on ASDReports, Retailing in China is a new report that analyzes prevailing trends in the Chinese retailing and explores how business dynamics are set to change in the next four years. You will gain an explicit understanding of the relationship between key drivers of consumer demand in the Chinese retail trends enabling you to indentify the key areas in which you want to compete in the future. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Chinese retail market for companies already operating in and those wishing to enter the Chinese market.

The difference:
  • Understand key growth categories by analyzing the market dynamics of the Chinese retail trends categories, allowing you to adjust your business plan, gaining the upper hand over competitors.
  • Benefit from a detailed analysis of vital economic and population trends and key consumer trends influencing the retail market.
  • Monitor the competitive landscape with the analysis of key international and domestic players in each of the 12 product sectors.

Additional report highlights:

China, the second largest global economy, with a population of 1.36bn, has huge potential for retailers. Driving spending is the rise of the urban middle classes and higher disposable incomes, as the population moves from unskilled rural and manufacturing jobs to more skilled work and urban living. Lifestyles are changing as a result, and consumerism is a growing trend.
The success of international fashion retailers such as Zara and other Inditex brands, and H&M, demonstrates there is little resistance to global fashion in China. Young consumers have access to global fashion trends through the internet, social media, and entertainment, marketed at young women, and those with young families, who are looking for value fashion and clothing for all the family.

Retailers must adapt to the style and demands of the Chinese in the building sectors, where more local tastes dominate, unlike in clothing. The success of IKEA is helped by its ability to make the most of small living spaces, which is useful for those who live in small urban apartments.
Retailing in China - Market Summary and Forecasts: Comprehensive overview of the market, consumer, and competitive context, with retail sales value and forecasts to 2018

Retailing in China - Market Summary and Forecasts: Comprehensive overview of the market, consumer, and competitive context, with retail sales value and forecasts to 2018

Publish date : May 2014
Report code : ASDR-111239
Pages : 146 contact: S. Koomen / ASDMedia BV - Veemkade 356 - 1019HD Amsterdam - The Netherlands
P : +31(0)20 486 1286 - F : +31(0)20 486 0216

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