A new report forecast 3D printing market to grow from $1.95 billion in 2013 to over $ 10 billion market by 2022 at an estimated CAGR of over 20% during the same period

Wednesday 7 May 2014, Amsterdam

A new report forecast 3D printing market to grow from $1.95 billion in 2013 to over $ 10 billion market by 2022 at an estimated CAGR of over 20% during the same period
Market growth and trends across different application verticals such as aerospace & defense, architecture & construction, automotive, consumer lifestyle products and electronics, education & research, healthcare, and industrial and other application market have been covered. Consumer lifestyle products and electronics held highest market revenue generated over $384.80 million in 2013. This sector is further expected to grow at a CAGR of 21.60% (2014-2022) to a market value of over $2.9 billion. Healthcare sector accounted for the third largest revenue ($319.04 million) which was followed by aerospace & defense ($300.57 million).

In terms of material, Photopolymers accounted for the highest market revenue generating over $239 which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.97% to reach the market revenue of $470.28 million by 2022. Metal on the other hand held lowest share ($27.10 million) in 2013 but is likely to witness highest CAGR of 22.19 % (2014-2022) to reach the value of $174.16 million by 2022.

It is expected that APAC region will show highest CAGR of 26.51% (2014-2022). This growth can be attributed mainly to China and Japan with the Chinese market likely to grow at at a CAGR of 29.73% from 2014 to 2022.

The study includes segmentation of 3D printing industry based upon technology, application verticals, materials, and geography. The market potential of 3D printing industry based on these segments, excluding technology, has been analyzed.

Based on deposition techniques, 3D printing technology has been divided into FDM, EBM, SHS, SLM, SLS, LOM, SLA, DLP, 3DP, and EBF3. The key patents for SLS, among these technologies expired recently which according to some experts would be a landmark in the acceleration of 3D printing market growth.
Though, these technologies have proved to be fast and cost effective when it comes to building prototypes but further research and technology up gradation is required to venture into large volume production.

Depending on the applicability of these 3D printing technologies the study exhaustively covers materials such as metals and metal alloys, plastics, photopolymers, ceramic, nylon, paper, and wax.

The report presents a detailed market analysis of 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing by incorporating complete pricing and cost analysis of 3D printers and materials. Besides porter’s and PESTLE analysis of the market have also been done.

The report deals with all the driving factors, restraints, and opportunities with respect to the 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing market, which are helpful in identifying trends and key success factors for the industry. Lastly, the current market competitiveness is covered with detailed competitive landscape and company profiles of all key players across the ecosystem. The report also formulates the entire value chain of the market, along with industry trends of 3D printing application verticals and materials used with emphasis on market timelines & technology roadmaps.

3D Printing Material (ABS, PLA, Photopolymer, Ceramics etc.), Technology, Application Market - A Global Study (2014-2022)

3D Printing Material (ABS, PLA, Photopolymer, Ceramics etc.), Technology, Application Market - A Global Study (2014-2022)

Publish date : April 2014
Report code : ASDR-105427
Pages : 234

ASDReports.com contact: S. Koomen

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